Friday, February 24, 2012

Jermy Lin All American

Here are some,'Dangers Zones',that the Asian American Journalist Association say you should avoid when reporting on Jermy Lin:
"CHINK": Pejorative; do not use in a context involving an Asian person on someone who is Asian American. Extreme care is needed if using the well-trod phrase "chink in the armor"; be mindful that the context does not involve Asia, Asians or Asian Americans. (The appearance of this phrase with regard to Lin led AAJA MediaWatch to issue statement to ESPN, which subsequently disciplined its employees.)
DRIVING: This is part of the sport of basketball, but resist the temptation to refer to an "Asian who knows how to drive."
EYE SHAPE: This is irrelevant. Do not make such references if discussing Lin's vision.
FOOD: Is there a compelling reason to draw a connection between Lin and fortune cookies, takeout boxes or similar imagery? In the majority of news coverage, the answer will be no.
MARTIAL ARTS: You're writing about a basketball player. Don't conflate his skills with judo, karate, tae kwon do, etc. Do not refer to Lin as "Grasshopper" or similar names associated with martial-arts stereotypes.
"ME LOVE YOU LIN TIME": Avoid. This is a lazy pun on the athlete's name and alludes to the broken English of a Hollywood caricature from the 1980s.
"YELLOW MAMBA": This nickname that some have used for Lin plays off the "Black Mamba" nickname used by NBA star Kobe Bryant. It should be avoided. Asian immigrants in the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries were subjected to discriminatory treatment resulting from a fear of a "Yellow Peril" that was touted in the media, which led to legislation such as the Chinese Exclusion Act.
The truth of the matter is that the AAJA wants journalist or anyone else to enter the 'Danger Zone.'Groups like them profit off racism,whether real or imagined.Through these 'offences' they gain an asset that they can exploit,to gain media attention and to raise 'badly needed funds' to fill their coffers in the never ending fight against racism.

My guess is,that Jermy Lin more American than he is Asian and has as much in common with his Asian heritage,as I have with my European heritage,not very much.He has probably been  more influenced  by Christianity and American culture,than his Asian roots.

I think the answer to all this is to remove all the hyphens out of American society and follow Morgan Freeman's advice,'stop talking about it.'Maybe then we could realize that Jermy Lin is just All American.

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