Friday, January 6, 2012

Did Santorum Really Win The Iowa Caucus?

From Human Events:
Rick Santorum may have actually won the Iowa Caucus by 12 votes.
Edward True, a Ron Paul supporter, told KCCI News in Iowa that he helped count the votes in his precinct and "jotted the results down on a piece of paper to post" to his Facebook page. 
He said Romney received two votes in his precinct, but the Iowa Republican Party credited Romney with 22 votes. 
True is filing a notarized statement, and, if he turns out to be right, that 20 vote difference would mean Santorum actually won Iowa by eight votes. 

I just wonder how many discrepancies happened in all the precincts all over Iowa.Instead of winning Iowa by 8 votes,Santorum may have won Iowa by a 100 or 500 votes.The GOP establishment was bound and determined for Romney to win Iowa by any means necessary.

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