Today,along with George Washington,we have chosen to honor the other 43 men who have occupied the office of President.Not all these men deserved to be honored.
Today we choose to honor a tyrant,Abrham Lincoln.Lincoln trampled the Constitution under foot,to do nothing more than to subjagate the Southern states to the Northern states for their own economic benifit.Most all of our present problems concerning a large and out of control goverment began with Lincoln.
Today we choose to honor socialists,Woodrow Wilson,FDR,and his cousin Teddy.They felt the Federal goverment should choose the winners and losers of life,rather than let it be decided by a mans own wits,hard work,and dertimination.They,like Lincoln,cared nothing for the Constitution,but saw it as an obstacle that had to be subverted.
We also choose to honor social deviants such as U S. Grant and Bill Clinton.Grant was a drunk and a failure at everything he did in life,except at the mauling of the armies he commanded.Bill Clinton is a whoremonger and a habitual liar,who will argue over the meaning of the word,"is."
Lets us not forget our failures,Jimmy Carter,and Barak Obama.Jimmy Carter projected weakness throughout the world and in return the radical Muslim's in Iran siezed our embassy there and held the staff hostage.Carter also didn't see goverment as the problem to our economic woes,but saw the so called "mailase" of the American people as the problem.As for Obama,he wont be outdone by Jimmy Carter,he has apollogized to the world for America,their is no dictator he wont bow to and its our fault,not his, we haven't emerged out of the "Great Reccession" yet.